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The Launch Week How-To Guide

Create hype and exclusivity by launching again and again

Gaby Goldberg posted an excellent article a while back about launch strategies. I highly recommend reading the whole thing. The main strategies are:

  • The Waitlist
  • The Blue Check Phenomenon
  • Building in Public
  • Moneybags
  • Wild Card

I’ve been thinking more and more about the concept of launch strategies lately, particularly because there is a wave of companies practicing a new type of launch strategy. The launch week.

It’s a week filled with feature announcements, all centered around the theme to present something new every day. They typically recur every 2 to 6 months.

Why doing a launch week?

As the launch week strategically represents a middle ground between the waitlist strategy and the build in public strategy, combines it the best of both worlds: The hype and exclusivity around a launch, as well as the trust that comes from continuously and publicly sharing what you have built.

Create hype and exclusivity by launching again and again.

It also gives you the opportunity to switch off and fully focus on your work without having to worry about constantly publishing something new, as is the case with the build in public strategy. And it gives you the advantage of launch again and again. This way you leverage the exclusivity around launches.

The Launch Week Playbook

How does a launch week look like in action?

  • Create a site for your launch week, where people can register in advance to be informed about your launches. You can also curate all the results of the introduction week here.
  • Since you ideally plan to continue practicing launch weeks, number your launch weeks.
  • Register your upcoming launch in the Supabase community repository. This ensures that others are informed about your launch week, and provides you with an overview of concurrent launches, preventing potential overlaps and conflicts.
  • Dedicate each day to a theme centered around a specific feature.
  • Announce your launch week in a post where you link to your launch week site.

If it resonated, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me via Twitter/X

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